Feminist Political Thought

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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Men - Bell Hooks

Bell hooks men
                  Bell hooks explains that feminism is defined as a movement that has a goal to end sexist oppression, which in turn “enables women and men, girls and boys, to participate equally in revolutionary struggle.” (hooks 68) Throughout her chapter entitled Comrades in Struggle bell hooks discusses how feminism has been primarily a struggle by women, however, as she explains, this is not all a result of a growing anti-feminist way of though by men. This is something that I personally endorse in that many feminists believe men are the only reason for women’s oppression and throw away any notion that women themselves are their own oppressors.  Throughout her book bell hooks repeatedly explains how women are just as much and in some cases, more to blame then men when examining the causes for enormous amounts of inequalities and this is clearly a breath of fresh air. Never is this more evident than in her chapter on men.
                  The history and future of feminism has been primarily designated as ‘women’s work’, and it is as if feminisms do not even want to give men a chance at aiding their suffering. Women are just as much to blame for sexism as feminism can been seen as an institution which creates inequalities itself as many feminists are critical of men’s inhibition to do nothing in the world of feminism. As bell hooks explains, “Women’s liberationists called upon all women to join feminist movement, but they did not continually stress that men should assume responsibility for actively struggling to end sexist oppression.” (bell hooks 68)
                  Bell hooks is able to portray this feature of feminist society by using the example of the relationship between black men and women versus the relationship between white men and women. Since both black men and women have gone through gigantic amounts of oppression and discrimination throughout their history they are each able to better understand any future hindrances that they come across, resulting in each coming to the aid of the other to such an extent that can create a positive impact. However, as bell hooks explains, white men and women, specifically those within the bourgeoisie, are unable to understand these ties between  men and women within something such as liberation struggle and as a result, have not had nearly as many positive experiences connecting with the opposite sex. (hooks 70) However, even though this is somewhat of a valid excuse, it is still not a good enough reason as to why men and women cannot work together. It is almost as if some women feel as if feminism belongs to them, and that if they lose feminism to men then they will not be as powerful, or as special as they were before. Clearly though the way that women are oppressed currently is no way to live and any help should be greatly appreciated.
                  Although bell hooks explains that men are not at all the only reason why there is so much gender oppression globally, she also does not shy away from still putting part of the blame on men. She explains how all men support sexism as well as sexist oppression in one way or another and that just like women, men have also been socially molded to accept sexist ideology (bell hooks 73). Although men should not completely blame themselves for the creation of sexism, they still must assume part of the burden and responsibility for eliminating it.
                  Without a doubt women are the prime victims of sexism, however, even as bell hooks explains, men too are victims in many ways of oppression and sexism. I for one sometimes feel this way; an example would be how I am a fan and enjoy listening to Madonna. However, it should be easy to understand for anyone living in today’s world how this could be taken in a negative way, resulting in people believing me to be homosexual (‘not that there’s anything wrong with that’).  It is unfair to say that women are the only victims of sexism currently as there are numerous cases of men being unfairly judged as a result of institutional sexism.
                  Overall feminism is in dire need of men and sexism will never end without the assistance of men. “Since men are the primary agents maintain and supporting sexism and sexist oppression, they can only be successfully eradicated if men are compelled to assume responsibility for transforming their consciousness and the consciousness of society as a whole.” (bell hooks 83)

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